Source Themes

Affective theory of mind inferences contextually influence the recognition of emotional facial expressions.

The recognition of emotional facial expressions is often subject to contextual influence, particularly when the face and the context convey similar emotions.

Modality differences in timing and the filled-duration illusion. Testing the pacemaker rate explanation.

Performance in temporal difference threshold and estimation tasks is markedly less accurate for visual than for auditory intervals. In addition, thresholds and estimates are likewise less accurate for empty than for filled intervals.

An eye-tracking examination of readers' sensitivity to pragmatic scope information during the processing of conditional inducements.

Previous research into conditional inducements has shown that readers are sensitive after reading such conditionals to pragmatic scope differences between promises and threats; specifically, threats can be referred to as promises, but promises cannot be referred to as threats.

“It’s hard to write a good article.” The online comprehension of excuses as indirect replies.

In an eye-tracking experiment we examined how readers comprehend indirect replies when they are uttered in reply to a direct question. Participants read vignettes that described two characters engaged in dialogue.